Nutritional Benefits of Beans

Learn what makes beans one of the world’s healthiest superfoods!

A Lot Of Goodness in One Tiny Little Package

Beans don’t seem to get nearly as much attention as they deserve. These little legumes may be mild in flavor, but they pack a powerful punch when it comes to nutrition. That’s why the USDA recommends eating at least ½ cup, three times a week. It’s an easy way to get the healthy nutrients your body needs like fiber, protein, and minerals.

Beans have been associated with the following health benefits:

  • Reduced risk of diabetes
  • Reduced risk of cancer
  • Better heart health
  • Helps maintain a healthy weight
  • Enhances gut health
  • Helps keep cholesterol in check
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    Make Beans Part of Your Healthy Diet

    Beans are often overlooked as an occasional side dish or as a component of soup you might make a few times a year. When you think of them this way, you might wonder how you could possibly eat them three times or more per week. One of the greatest things about beans is their mild taste and texture that allow them to blend into just about anything. Pancakes, cookies, bread, noodles, and more — you can easily enhance these favorites with beans or bean flour. Check out some of our bean recipes to get inspired!

    Nutritional Benefits

    There are many reasons to eat beans. Learn about all of the ways beans are good for you!

    Good Source of Protein

    Most people know that protein is an important part of the diet, but oftentimes they turn to animal products like meat, eggs, and cheese for their protein. While animal sources meet your body’s requirements for protein, they also usually come with other unhealthy things such as saturated fat and cholesterol. Beans, on the other hand, are a valuable source of cholesterol-free plant protein. Worried that you’ll have to eat 10 pounds of beans to get the same amount of protein you’d get by eating a steak? On the contrary, it only takes ½ cup of beans to provide your body with 16 grams of high-quality protein.


    High in Dietary Fiber

    Fiber is another important nutrient that most people don’t get enough of. There are two different kinds of fiber, each with a different purpose. Soluble fiber is important for trapping and removing unhealthy cholesterol in your system. Insoluble fiber is needed for digestive health and may help to reduce your risk of some types of cancer. The good thing about eating beans is that they contain both soluble and insoluble fiber.

    Essential Vitamins and Minerals

    There are dozens of different vitamins and minerals in the foods that we eat — that is, if you’re eating wholesome, fresh foods like fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes. If your diet consists of things that are highly-processed and primarily come out of a box or takeout bag, you could be deficient in some important vitamins and minerals. Beans, on the other hand, are good sources of potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, folic acid, and more. All of these are needed to maintain good health, prevent disease, and help the body perform many important functions.

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    Low in Fat and Cholesterol

    Although fat and cholesterol are also needed to help our bodies perform properly, most people consume far too much and that can lead to obesity, high cholesterol, and a higher incidence of certain diseases. To reduce your dietary intake of fat (especially saturated fat) and cholesterol, consider swapping out some of the meats and dairy products you consume for low-fat, cholesterol-free beans.

    Complex Carbohydrates

    When you think of carbohydrates, you might think of something you’re supposed to avoid. That’s because many trendy diets suggest that carbs are bad for your health and prevent you from maintaining a healthy weight. On the contrary, complex carbohydrates like the ones found in beans don’t affect your body in the same way that simple carbs like sugar and refined flour do. Complex carbs break down slowly in your system so they don’t spike your blood sugar. Not only is this good for preventing and managing diabetes, but the way they are digested helps to feed beneficial bacteria in your gut.

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    Start a Healthy New Habit With 21st Century Bean

    Beans are delicious, nutritious, and easy to prepare. If you’re ready to start incorporating more of this superfood into your diet, why not get your beans straight from the source by shopping 21st Century Bean. Our company is owned by a collection of American Midwest farmers who take great pride in the products we sell. When you buy from us, you’re getting a better, fresher product for you and your family. Shop 21st Century Bean today!